‘I Am Service’.

This short statement is a statement of Being.

For me, this is part of the way of life I choose, not only as a professional coach but as an ordinary, kinda average human being. And it is through my commitment to being of service (an instrument) that I get the privilege of a lifetime to become who I really am.

What I create, manifest and impact in the world is not really my business – they are just the results of my embodiment of service.

Of course, much current sharing on this platform is in admiration for what it is to truly to dedicate one’s life to service. Whether as a monarch, in a professional vocation or as part of a cause to help other people, we are all here to be of service in some way.

And this personal feeling of being of service to something bigger than myself that is even more alive within me having started an already incredible journey as part of the Ankush Jain Coaching Career School.

The picture below is of an incredible extra ordinary group of human beings that I am honoured to be part of over the next 7 months. Yes, we are all on a journey to become even more impactful coaches but what is blowing me away is:

The unique gifts each person brings to the room
The inspiration I feel when I acknowledge what each person lights up within myself
The generosity of spirit in helping, supporting, encouraging and coaching each other